Maine’s Climbing Blog

Throughout the years, Equinox has published a plethora of blog posts. From day trips to interviews with Friends and fellow climbers, behind the scenes looks. Please enjoy exploring Maine through this digital platform we have created and continue to grow! Let us know which posts you like, and especially leave us a comment if our adventures inspire any of your own!

Equinox Guiding service Equinox Guiding service

My life as a rock warrior

Climbing is not just a sport for me. It's my lively hood, my focus and the thing I want to do most in the world. I don’t always view myself as a climber but more of a teacher. I share the passion of myself and the sport I love with the world. The perception of what I do is always fear based. The perceived risk that I see every day sometimes smacks you upside the head. Not only the fear but also the risk involved. In guiding there are two kinds of risk, perceived risk and actual risk. As a guide I’m always trying to have my clients experience the perceived risk. When the actual risk comes into play it usually means it's time to bail!

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Equinox Guiding service Equinox Guiding service

Otter Cliffs Climbing

Otter Cliffs in Acadia national park offers spectacular views of sand beach, gorham mtn, otter cliffs, Thunder hole, beehive, monument cove, Great head, Scoodic pinicula, egg rock, Park Loop Road, Ocean path.

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Equinox Guiding service Equinox Guiding service

Tumbledown mountain rock climbing

Tumbledown Moutain rock climbing is some of the most spectacular multi pitch climbing in the state of maine guided by the equinox guiding service.

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