Otter Cliffs Climbing

Otter Cliffs offers some of the most spectacular climbing in the state of maine. With views of surrounding Gorham Moutain, Thunder hole, Sand Beach, Great head, Schoodic peninsula, Egg rock, Old soaker and beehive trail. It can be a great place to learn how to climb and enjoy the surrounding sea cliffs of Acadia national park. Mount desert island can show you so much more than just the tourist trap of Bar Harbor. Finding the true remoteness of the island is one of our specialties. We know where the remote crags are and can show you them.

Otter cliffs climbing shows climbers how to experience some easier 5.6 routs at an unforgettable place and setting of the sounding area. This cliff also offers some 5.12 routs to challenge the climber looking to advance their skill level in the vertical world. By challenging folks to be able to push themselves and rappel over the side of a cliff. it takes the experience to a whole new level. Otter cliffs overlook is the first thing you see coming down the stairs to over look the Atlantic Ocean. Climbing with this spectacular view of the ocean is unlike no other. I’ve seen otters frolicking on the bottom of the cliff. I’ve seen whales off in the distance. I’ve seen Sunfish relaxing at the bottom of the cliff. It’s all right there for the taking. you just need to lift your head and look for it.

otter cliffs rock climbing is a must do for anyone visiting the park. We offer full day tours here through the year. We would be more than happy to help you out in your pursuit to enjoy these sea cliffs. as they have been apart of our business since its conception. enjoying to point out all the adventures that could be had just off the Beaton path. enjoying the waves and adventure along the way. lets climb!

Equinox Guiding service

Owner and lead guide of Equinox Guiding service

Rock Climbing Summer Camp


Bouldering Maine