Maine’s Climbing Blog
Throughout the years, Equinox has published a plethora of blog posts. From day trips to interviews with Friends and fellow climbers, behind the scenes looks. Please enjoy exploring Maine through this digital platform we have created and continue to grow! Let us know which posts you like, and especially leave us a comment if our adventures inspire any of your own!
Maine Winter Break for kids!
The sun is getting stronger and the days a little longer. I know how good both of those feel. Spending time in the fresh air can have a positive impact on our health. Even a short walk can make a difference. But if you want to challenge yourself and have never cross country skied or snow shoed the weather is in your favor with the temperatures on the rise.
If you really want to challenge yourself the ice is pretty good for ice climbing and in some places where the sun has melted the ice and snow, rock climbing is happening. My older son guides those interested in this type of challenge with his business Equinox Guiding Service. He takes people out so they can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and have a blast. He provides all of the equipment, instruction, and encouragement. You can have little or no knowledge and be successful. I certainly recommend guide Noah Kleiner! Tell Noah I sent you and perhaps you’ll get a discount.
Rock Climbing Summer Camp
We are so excited to be offering a summer camp here at Equinox! If you have only climbed indoors, this is a great opportunity to experience all the outdoors offers. Enjoy a four-hour session Monday through Friday. All the gear is included as well as a team of guides for the afternoon. Our camps are designed to meet your kids where they are at—providing opportunities to grow and improve skills in all areas. Activates include but are not limited to Rock climbing, Rappelling, Caving, and more!
Bouldering Maine
Bouldering Maine is a special breed of people. We have scoured the cliffs and hills of Maine looking for the elusive glacial erratic. The Random boulder in the woods, the special unique line that we have only been dreaming of. It exists if we believe hard enough and dreams hard enough. The challenge comes if we want to send hard enough.
Ice climbing in the Camden Hills
The ice loomed ahead in frozen waterfalls, bumpy mounds, rippling walls and tapered icicles. As the water ran over the cliffs and down the steep slope, it solidified into wild shapes that could only be conquered with ice axes, spiked boots and a sturdy rope.
5 basic Rock climbing techniques
5 Basic Rock climbing Techniques that will get your ready to conquer the rock. When you're learning how to climb you're given a lot of suggestions on which techniques to use on a route. Heal hook here, back step there, Crip on the right hand and throw. all of these can be valuable assets to any budding climber. Here we want to focus on the five best ones for anyone who is just starting out. These are basic skills and can be transferable. That is one of the beautiful things about climbing is that these skills transfer to a to of other applicable activities in the world. Climbing is just the venue to learn and become more aware of our actions and how we treat ourselves.