Maine’s Climbing Blog

Throughout the years, Equinox has published a plethora of blog posts. From day trips to interviews with Friends and fellow climbers, behind the scenes looks. Please enjoy exploring Maine through this digital platform we have created and continue to grow! Let us know which posts you like, and especially leave us a comment if our adventures inspire any of your own!

Equinox Guiding service Equinox Guiding service

A Guide in Maine: Unlocking the Magic of the Pine Tree State

Maine, often referred to as the Pine Tree State, is a place of enchanting natural beauty, pristine wilderness, and countless opportunities for outdoor exploration. It's a land of vast forests, serene lakes, rugged mountains, and an intricate network of rivers and streams. For those seeking to delve deep into the heart of Maine's wilderness, a Maine Guide License is a valuable key. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of the Maine Guide License and shed light on why Noah Kleiner is a registered Maine Guide.

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