Covid-19 Protocols

Quite the storm that has ripped through our shared basecamp in recent years. We hope that you’re weathering it well.

As climbers, we are aware of the risk-reward balance and we keep a keen focus on mitigating risk and prioritizing safety. During any climbing day, we will work together as a team to manage risk, but we cannot totally eliminate it. This holds true regarding climbing and COVID-19. And, beyond the safety of our climbing team, we endeavor to preserve the health of the communities within which our climbing occurs.

With these ideas in mind, our priorities, practices, and policies specific to COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Guides will take their temperature prior to the start of each guiding day. We will alert you immediately if our temperature is elevated and/or we are feeling any symptoms related to COVID-19. We ask that you do the same for us.

  • If we find out in advance of the scheduled guided day that we have had contact with a person with COVID-19 that makes us a possible risk to you, we will alert you immediately. We ask that you do the same for us.

  • In the event a trip needs to be canceled for either of the reasons above, we will communicate with you about the potential for rescheduling, and/or we will work to connect you with another guide service. If that is not possible, you will receive a full refund. Understanding our need for health—both physical and economic—please utilize this special policy with integrity.

  • In the event that local conditions make it inadvisable to travel to or conduct our activity in a given locale, we will work with you to arrange an alternative venue. If that is not possible, you will receive a full refund.

  • Throughout the day, we will keep hand sanitizer with us and we will apply it whenever appropriate and/or possible. We ask that you do the same for us.

  • We recognize the value in face coverings when in close proximity. When we are in close proximity, we will wear a face covering as conditions allow. We ask that you do the same for us.

  • We will update and adjust these policies in accordance with evolving Center for Disease Control recommendations.

    We appreciate the important work of our frontline/essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are offering frontline/essential medical doctors and nurses a 10% discount on programs. Frontline/essential workers in sectors that are more financially limited (e.g., EMTs, grocery, utility, farm workers) are offered a 25% discount. Please notify us if you'd like to utilize this offer.

    We've all spent way too much time indoors and look forward to getting outside to share some fresh air, climbing, and social time with you! Via the above priorities, practices, and policies, we look forward to doing so in a way that respects our mutual health and the health of our community.

Equinox Guiding service

Noah Kleiner started climbing in 2006. He fell in love with climbing and went on to become a licensed Maine Guide and Single Pitch Instructor as well as an Aspirant Moutain guide. Noah has been working for three summer seasons as a guide for Atlantic Climbing School. He is a passionate traditional climber and fortunate enough to have had climbing adventures across the country. Remembering all the while, that "the best climber is the one having the most fun"!

Ice Climbing in Camden hills

